Frequently Asked Questions

When did Will start breeding roses?

Will started experimenting with rose breeding in his teens but actively began a more formalized program in 1974. In 1992, he moved his operation from Greendale to Greenfield, Wisconsin where his business is presently located. In 1994 Will took an early retirement from his position as Director of Boerner Botanical Gardens. Rose Innovations, LLC was officially formed in 1998.

How many employees help Will?

Rose Innovations is operated out of Will’s home situated on two acres of land. Currently 14 employees plus seasonal workers, contractors, and a dedicated contingent of volunteers help maintain the Rosarium and business. The tasks are varied including breeding roses and goldfish, designing and maintaining garden displays, continuing and expanding philanthropic goals and hosting public events.

Is the original Knock Out® Rose still alive?

Yes, the original Knock Out® Rose is still alive and well. Born in 1989, Knock Out® made it through relocation in 1992, plus an unusually frigid winter of -30 ℉ with no cover. While it is not recommended to subject Knock Out® to -30 ℉, surprisingly this original plant survived and today looks better than ever.

Knock Out® is in good company. Both parents, each created by Will from generations of roses, plus other original members of the Knock Out® Family of Roses flourish on the premises.

How did Will secure off-street parking for his employees?

The playground and parking lot across the street were originally an inspiration of Will’s to help eliminate street congestion. Since its inception, it has become a popular community destination.